The History of JavaScript

Jun 19, 2023

JavaScript is one of the cornerstone technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS. It was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while he was an engineer at Netscape. The language was initially developed in just ten days to accommodate the need for a way to create dynamic, interactive websites. The initial name was Mocha, then briefly renamed to LiveScript, and finally settled as JavaScript - despite having no direct relation to Java.

Netscape then collaborated with Sun Microsystems to incorporate JavaScript into the Netscape Navigator browser. This decision helped JavaScript become the de facto standard for client-side scripting on the web.

In 1997, JavaScript was handed over to the ECMA International standards organization, leading to the official language name "ECMAScript", though it is still universally referred to as JavaScript. The standardization brought about ECMAScript versions (ES1, ES2, ES3) which allowed JavaScript to be consistently updated and maintained.

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